Specifications are subject to change without notice.
© 2021 Mitsubishi Electric US, Inc.
Can I use both the remote control and the app?
Yes! Whichever control was adjusted last takes effect.
Can I control the same indoor unit from multiple smartphones or tablets?
Yes! Use the same email and password to log in from each device.
If service from the internet service provider (ISP) goes out will kumo cloud still work?
Yes! As long as the local wireless network is functioning, you can change the temperature using a
smartphone/tablet from inside the house.
Note: Remote operations will not work.
If you adjust the program or
rename a zone, those changes won’t appear on any other mobile devices until the connection is restored.
If power goes out will kumo cloud come back up?
Yes! As soon as power returns to the equipment and the local network, the app can be used to control the
units. Programmed events will be interrupted after a power outage until internet service returns as well.
Does kumo cloud work with the RedLINKTM Internet Gateway or the MHK1 controller?
No. kumo cloud
does not require a gateway. The Wireless Interface plugs into the same CN105 that MHK1
How many units or zones can be added to a kumo cloud account?
There is no limit to the number of zones.
Does Auto mode use a single or dual setpoint?
kumo cloud Auto mode uses a dual setpoint.
kumo cloud on Google Home
App for Google home?
You can find the kumo cloud app for Google Home by going to the Google Home app and adding a device.
Look for kumo cloud. Google will manage your Google Home experience with kumo cloud; however, below
are answers to some frequently asked questions that may be helpful.
How do I set the mode and temperature range?
Mode and temperature ranges depend upon the specific unit being controlled, meaning that if you attempt to
command a cool-only unit into heat mode, Google will respond “That mode is unavailable.”
Similarly, if you attempt to command a setpoint outside the capabilities of a unit, you will be met with "The
thermostat cannot be set to that temperature."
Off (turns the unit off)
On (returns the unit to its previous mode,prior to the Off command)
Heat-Cool (also referred to as Auto)
What is the standard setpoint range of cool and heat?
In Cool/Heat, most units have a standard range of 61°-88° F (roughly 16°-31° C) and that full range is
accessible. Google will query the adapter for supported temperature ranges and user-configured minimums
and maximums, and will abide by those.
What is the standard setpoint range of the Auto mode?
In Auto, the setpoint range is slightly more constricted because Google will assign 2 setpoints on either side
of your requested target value. So, if you request the maximum setpoint available, Google will try to use a
range of a few degrees above and below your target, and since the one above the maximum is out of bounds
for the unit, the command will fail. Under most circumstances, auto is constricted to 4° F (roughly 2° C) below
the maximum and above the minimum, to ensure the returned range fits within the capabilities of the unit.
Will I be able to create names for rooms?
Inside the Google Home app, a user can create rooms with preset or entirely custom names (numbers,
punctuation, and even emojis are supported), and can then assign devices as members of these rooms. They