MiR100, MiR200 & MiRHook Risk Analysis
Copyright Mobile Industrial Robots 2019
Safety components overview
Safety laser sensors
Two safety lasers sensors (Pld) are placed at diagonal corners. The safety laser sensors are placed 20
cm from the ground.
They create a 360° protective field.
The size of the protective fields depends on robot speed and driving direction. See the specifications of
the robot.
The protective fields of MiR100 and MiR200 will never be turned off. However, the protective fields will
adjust to the speed of the robot.
Emergency stops
There is an emergency stop button placed on top of the robot or MiRHook. The emergency button is
within reach from all sides of the robot.
Figure 1
Protective fields of MiR100 and MiR200 when
driving forward.
Figure 2
Protective fields of MiR100 and MiR200 when
driving in reverse.