Chapter 2: Pre-testing
Before you test a string with the analyzer, you need to:
Determine a reference value
Set options in the
Set values in the
Make sure the jars you are testing are 2, 6, or 12 V jars.
Determining a reference value
Reference values
Reference values are average conductance values from a sample of strong jars similar in
condition and age. You can compare reference values to test results from a string. The
differences between test results and reference values help you determine the capacity of the
string to see if it is providing enough conductance for the load. Differences can reflect how a
string was treated, installed, or maintained.
Midtronics recommends that you create your own reference values for a string to get values
specific to the string you are testing. For this reason, the following options are listed in the order
you should take to obtain a reference value.
To obtain a reference value for a string:
1. Consult your company documentation for previous reference values that were created for
the string you are testing. If you do not have previous reference values for the string, do
step 2.
2. Test a sample of jars. Refer to “Testing a sample of jars.” If you cannot test a sample of
jars, do step 3.
3. Test the jars in the string that you need to test with the analyzer and use highest
conductance value as a reference value. If you cannot test the jars for a reference value,
do step 4.
4. Use the average from
after you test the string. Refer to “Using the
average in
5. Contact the jar manufacturer or Midtronics for a list of reference values for common jar
types: www.midtronics.com