This is the Cognito user pool ID after creating the Cognito user pool.
This is the Cognito region.
This is the App client ID configured in the Cognito user pool.
This is the ”WiFISmartDeviceForAlexaSmartHomeSkill” or “WiFISmartDeviceForAlexaCustomSkill”
App client secret configured in the Cognito user pool.
iOS Application
The mobile application source files are available in the
The developer needs to configure the mobile application to connect to the AWS account. For this
purpose, the developer can change the default value in
directly in the mobile application source files
and compile the source code.
The file contains the fields below. The developer can get all these settings in the AWS account after the
AWS cloud setup.
// User need to set below parameters to your AWS account credentials
let CognitoIdentityUserPoolId = "xxxxx" // e.g. "us-east-1_xxxxxx"
let CognitoIdentityUserPoolAppClientId = "xxxxx"
let CognitoIdentityUserPoolAppClientSecret = "xxxxx"
let CognitoRegion = "xxxxx" // e.g. "us-east-1"
let PoolId = "xxxxx" // e.g. "us-east-1:c4f36b6a-84c7-4acd-b143-0665f9fbd9f9"
let AWSRegion = AWSRegionType.USEast1 // e.g. AWSRegionType.USEast1
let IOT_ENDPOINT = "xxxxx" // e.g. ""
let PolicyName = "xxxxx" // e.g. "secure-wifi-board-mobile-app-policy"
This is the AWS IoT EndPoint, which can be found in the setting page of AWS IoT console.
• PoolId
This is the AWS Cognito Identity pool id, which can be retrieved when you create the Cognito Identity
• PolicyName
This is the AWS IoT policy name used for the mobile app to access AWS IoT resources.
• AWSRegion
This is the AWS IoT Region.
• CognitoIdentityUserPoolId
This is the Cognito user pool id after creating the Cognito user pool.
• CognitoRegion
This is the Cognito region.
• CognitoIdentityUserPoolAppClientId
ATWINC15x0 Smart Device Kit
Appendix B: Mobile Application Configurati...
2019 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS50002885A-page 74