• cb [input]callback function that is trigger when MQTT message is received from the
subscribe MQTT topic
Return: 0: success;
Other value: fail;
– Cloud_RC cloud_mqtt_yield(int timeout);
Usage: This is used by the MQTT client to manage PING requests to monitor the health of the
TCP connection as well as periodically check the socket receive buffer for subscribe
• timeout[input]Maximum number of milliseconds to pass thread execution to the client
Return: 0: success;
Other value: fail;
– cJSON* iot_message_reportInfo_shadow(char* device_type, char* mac_addr, int
report_data_num, NodeInfo data_info[]);
Usage: Generates AWS IoT Shadow report message.
• device_type[input]Name of the device type
• mac_addr[input] MAC address of the device
• report_data_num[input] number report items
• data_info[input] data of the report items
Return: JSON message;
Other value: fail;
– void initialise_button(void);
Usage: Initializes GPIO for button detection.
– void buttonTaskExecute(unsigned long tick)
Usage: Executes button detection, called in a while loop to poll the button every a period.
• tick[input]systick value
– int regButtonShortPressDetectCallback(void* cb, int button);
Usage: Register callback function for the button short press detect.
• cb [input]callback function trigger when short press button is detected
• button[input] 1: SW1; 2: SW2; 3: SW3
Return: socket index
– int unRegButtonShortPressDetectCallback(int sock, int button)
Usage: Unregister callback function for the button short press detect.
• sock [input]socket index that represent the registration
ATWINC15x0 Smart Device Kit
Application Firmware
2019 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS50002885A-page 22