Illustration 13
Working Width
In order to accurately measure the number of pounds (kg)
of “N” applied per acre (hectare) it is important to determine
the correct “working” width. The “working” width is the width
of ground being affected by any operation. This should be
measured to the nearest inch (or cm).
For the console to calculate the correct number of acres
(hectares), both the circumference of the sensor-equipped
wheel and the implement width must be entered.
Determine the circumference of the sensor-mounted wheel
to the nearest hundredth of an inch (tenth of a centimeter)
with the following method:
Mark tire with a piece of chalk and measure distance trav-
eled on the ground for one complete revolution. For ac-
curacy, measure the wheel revolution several times and take
the average. Divide that value by the number of magnets
installed on the wheel hub to get your starting SPEED CAL
calibration value.
See Illustration 13.
To determine Speed Calibration number, measure the
distance of one complete wheel revolution and divide by
the number of magnets installed.
Determining Wheel Circumference
Working Width = Number of Knives X Spacing
Your rig has 13 knives spaced 30” apart.
10 knives X 30” =