Lo-Rider Designer Vent Free Fireboxes
General installation information
Do not attempt to burn soliD WooD fuels, VenteD Gas loG sets, or anY other Com-
bustible in this unVenteD firebox. also, Do not install a Vent-free Gas loG set in
this firebox if the minimum ClearanCe anD heiGht requirements of the loG set are
too larGe for the firebox.
The lSTF36, lPF36, lRCF36, and llCF36 Series are vent-free fireboxes. They feature a self-contained
heat-circulating system. These units also feature a 2-in-1 flexible-face system (except for corner unit) that
converts the circulating system into a radiant system in seconds.
This installation manual will enable you to obtain a safe, efficient, and dependable installation of your vent-
free fireplace system.
Do not alter or modify the firebox or its components under any circumstances. Any modification or alteration
of the firebox system, including but not limited to the firebox and accessories, may void the warranty, listings
and approvals of this system and could result in an unsafe and potentially dangerous installation.
before You start:
CheCk Your paCkinG list to VerifY that all listeD parts haVe been reCeiVeD.
also inspeCt the Contents for shippinG DamaGe anD immeDiatelY inform Your
Dealer if anY DamaGe is founD.
You should have the following:
1. Vent-Free gas Firebox
2. One (1) - 36" Canopy (lRCF36/llCF36)
One (1) - 20" Canopy (lRCF36/llCF36)
Two (2) - 36" Canopys (lSTF36/lPF36)
3. Installation and Operating Instructions
4. Five (5) drywall spacers
items requireD for installation
Phillips screwdriver
Framing materials
Piping complying with local codes
wall finishing materials
Saw and/or saber saw
Tee joint
Caulking material
Pipe wrench
Fireplace surround materials
Measuring tape
Electric drill and bits
Pipe sealant approved for use
with propane/lPg
(resistant to sulfur compounds)
Refer to the installation instructions provided with the log sets for items required for log set installation.
illustrations shown in this manual reflect “typical” installations with nominal
dimensions and are for design and framing reference only. actual installations
may vary due to individual design preferences. however, always maintain
minimum clearances to combustible materials and do not violate any specific
installation requirements.