Door operator TVR(FC) 5 / Rev 1.41 ‐ 3
This door operator meets the requirements of 2006/42/EY,
EMC‐direc ve 2004/108/EY, LVD 2006/108/EY and standard
EN 13241‐1 and is delivered in safe opera on mode. Self‐
made modifica ons that could affect the opera onal safety
of the door operator are not allowed.
Observing the instruc ons will improve your safety and that
of your opera ng environment. It also ensures the opera‐
onal safety of the door and its drive unit and prevents in‐
terrup ons in use caused by faulty handling, along with bur‐
dens to the environment.
Observe occupa onal safety and environmental protec on
regula ons, when transpor ng, se ng‐up, installing, oper‐
a ng, maintaining and dismantling the door operator.
To ensure opera onal safety, only original components or
parts that have been specifically approved by the manufac‐
turer may be used in or connected to the door operator. All
components of the device have been selected, protected
and constructed so that they are durable and meet the envi‐
ronmental and opera onal requirements specified in this
Perform maintenance on the door and the door operator
only when the door is not moving. To prevent uninten onal
star ng of the door operator, you must e.g. lock the main
switch of the door operator control system in the
posi on.
Every complete drive unit has two (2) ra ng plates, one on
the gear box and the other one on the electric motor (fig. 2).
The plate on the gear box shows (fig. 1), in addi on to the
technical informa on, also the produc on serial number
(e.g. MLN9878/1), on the basis of which all original produc‐
on informa on can be traced later.
Only authorised and properly trained
personnel may install, maintain or
repair the door operator. In cases of
more demanding repairs, always de‐
liver the door operator to the manu‐
facturer for maintenance.
Ensure that the persons responsible
for installa on, prepara on for u li‐
sa on and maintenance of the door
operator have read this manual and
that they understand and observe the
regula ons and instruc ons con‐
tained and men oned therein.
In all ques ons related to service, spare part deliveries or
claims it is extremely important to refer to the serial num‐
ber. With reference to this number it will be possible to
clear up in detail important ma ers related to produc on,
quality control and deliveries. Record the serial number of
the GEAR box e.g. on the second page of this manual.
Fig. 2.
Ra ng plate of the
Ra ng plate
of the gear
Moun ng 4xM8—
dep. 20