8 ‐Door operator TVR(FC) 5 / Rev 1.41
Conduct weekly inspec ons to determine changes in the
sounds of the gear unit or oil leaks from the gear unit. If you
note oil leaks or unusual sounds during drive unit opera on,
stop the drive immediately and make sure that it cannot be
used. If you cannot determine the cause of the problem,
deliver the drive unit to the manufacturer for repair.
Note that dust may accumulate on the drive unit during its
opera on. If necessary, clean the drive unit regularly. The
dust layer must not be thicker than 5 mm. Do not use high‐
pressure cleaning machines to clean the drive unit.
Disconnec on of the drive unit is done by turning the disen‐
gagement lever. This enables the manual opera on of the
door. To disengage, turn the lever of the clutch 90 degrees,
as shown in fig. 7. For opera on of the lever from floor level,
a ach ropes to the holes at the ends of the lever.
The movement of the lever affects a micro switch. While
affected, the micro switch disconnects the control current.
For normal electric opera on, move the lever back to its
original posi on.
Note! Switching back to electric opera on is allowed only by
turning the disengagement lever to its posi on for electric
opera on and by moving the door manually un l the clutch
dogs are engaged perfectly (
Fig. 7. Disengagement clutch
All service and maintenance work must be carried out care‐
fully and only by thoroughly trained personnel. Perform
maintenance of the door and the door operator only when
the door is not moving. To prevent uninten onal staring of
the door operator, lock the main switch of the control sys‐
tem in the 0 posi on.
Semi‐annual service and maintenance:
Check the condi on and adjustment of the slipping
Check the ghtness of all fixing bolts in the gear unit and
the electric motor.
If a chain is used in power transmission, check the align‐
ment of the sprockets.
Check the condi on of the chain and the sprockets.
Examine the condi on of the gear unit visually.
Check the sounds of the gear unit.
Check the ghtness of the gear unit.
Remove the dust that has accumulated on the gear unit
and the motor.
In addi on to this, check the condi on of the en re gear
every three years.
Correct lubrica on is of primary importance for the func‐
oning of a worm gear. The oil grade for the ini al filling is
shown on the ra ng plate. In the specified opera ng condi‐
ons, oil changes are not necessary. The oil quan ty should,
however, be checked at the me of installa on and at least
once a year during normal maintenance of the door.
The ini al filling oil used is suitable for an environment with
temperature varia ons from –20
C to +40
C. For drive
units that are run with an especially high opera ng frequen‐
cy such that the surface temperature of the unit is constant‐
ly above +40
C, oil changes are recommended. In such oper‐
a ng condi ons, the first oil change should occur a er ap‐
prox. six months of opera on and subsequently at three
year intervals.
When changing the oil, always use the same type of oil used
previously. It is not allowed to mix oils of different types or
from different manufacturers. Mixing oil types may damage
the rotary sha seals and cause oil leaks
When changing the oil, please note that hot oil may cause
burns. Always use protec ve gloves and remove leaking oil
immediately with an oil‐absorbing substance.
Observe the regula ons and instruc‐
ons given in this manual when oper‐
a ng the door.
Please note the instruc ons in the
”Opera on” sec on for observing gear
unit condi on.