MI 2130 VoltScanner
Plugging in the VoltScanner
3 Plugging in the VoltScanner
After the parameters were successfully sent, the VoltScanner is ready to begin
recording. Every 8 seconds it checks the line voltage. If the voltage is higher than 70V,
it wakes up from this power down mode and starts recording. So after the VoltScanner
is plugged in, it may take up to 8 seconds before it starts recording. The next picture
shows the VoltScanner plugged into an outlet with shuko plug, and universal test cable
with crocodiles.
3.1 Light Indicators
VoltScanner has four LEDs which indicate its condition:
– indicates if VoltScanner is correctly (proper polarity connection) plugged
into an outlet. If it is plugged in correctly, the LED lights steadily, otherwise it blinks
once every second. This will not damage the VoltScanner, but Neutral to Ground
events are not recorded correctly, because the VoltScanner will measure Line to
Ground voltage instead of Neutral to Ground voltage.
This LED also indicates the presence of a line voltage (at least 90Vrms) in an outlet.
– indicates if any events have been stored. As soon as the VoltScanner
stores one event, LED starts blinking once a second. If line voltage drops below
90Vrms for more than 3.5 minutes, it blinks only once every 8 seconds, if any events
have been stored.
– indicates if the memory of the VoltScanner is full. When the memory is
full ( about 3500 events), LED starts blinking once a second.
– indicates battery status. If battery voltage is dangerously low (the data
could be lost when operating on battery power), it blinks once a second. The
VoltScanner has four 1.2V rechargeable batteries. When plugged into an outlet with
line voltage present, the VoltScanner doesn't consume any battery power and the
rechargeable batteries (if low) are constantly charging by the internal charger. The
VoltScanner only operates on battery power when there is no line voltage present
(before it is plugged in, during voltage interruptions and after it is plugged out).