MI 3295 Step Contact Voltage Measuring System
MI 3295S Station operation
6.6.3 Date and time
Same as in MI 3295M
– see chapter
6.6.4 Output power range
In this menu the power of the current
generator can be set.
Figure 6.7: Output power menu
Cursor UP / DOWN
Selects appropriate option (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)
Sets selected power.
Returns to Settings main menu
When the current generator is started the output power is automatically set to the available
maximum. If the conditions changed during the measurement the generator may switch
off. Possible reasons for switching off are:
The output can become overloaded by high external earth currents. In this case it is
recommended to decrease the output power and restart the generator.
The current stopped flowing abruptly. If the stop was caused by disconnection of
the leads it is not necessary to lower the power. The generator can be restarted.
6.6.5 Alarm
An audible alarm warns the user that the
current generator switched off due to
overload or abrupt change of current.
The alarm can be activated / deactivated in
this menu.
Figure 6.8: Language selection
Cursor UP / DOWN
Enables / disables the alarm.
Confirms selected option.
Returns to Settings main menu
An enabled alarm helps to prevent from wrong interpretation of the Step and
Contact/Touch voltage results. The readings will be close to 0
V ( a ‘pass’) if no test
current is flowing.