MD 9273 Leakage Clamp
Description of Test Functions
Intelligent loss analysis (mA measurement only)
The clamp A-meter includes an algorithm that allows determining the cause for the current loss. This mode
is enabled only when measuring current in the mA range and TRMS measurement is selected. In the TRMS
measurement function, one or two icons will be shown on the screen informing of the possible reasons for
the loss.
Indicates that the loss is possibly due to a defect in the equipment insulation.
Indicates that the loss may be partially due to defects in the insulation and
partially to the accumulation of non-lineal loads.
Indicates that a loss is possibly due to a high accumulation of non-lineal
Harmonic analysis function and harmonic percent value
Harmonics (1 through to 19) can be measured as an absolute magnitude of the signal, or a percentage of
the fundamental (the 1
) harmonic. 1
harmonic is also called the fundamental frequency.
Absolute magnitude and percent value of the harmonics can be reached with F key while in voltage or current
rotary switch positions.
Initially the harmonic 1 is displayed but this can be changed using the + and - keys. The display shows the
percent of effective value, or an absolute harmonic value, together with the harmonic number (at the bottom
of the screen).
For example, if there is a 50 Hz network frequency and the absolute value of the 3
harmonic is measured,
this is measuring the magnitude (current or voltage) of the 150 Hz component.
In this mode, data hold and registering of maximum and minimum values is possible by using the
Crest factor function
Measures crest factor of the input signal. The crest factor is the ratio of the peak and the effective (or TRMS)
value of a waveform. For a sinusoidal wave the crest value is 1.41. The greater the difference between the
peak and efficient RMS value, the higher the crest factor is.
In this mode, data retention and registering of maximum and minimum values is possible by using the