• Intervention Report
In the Intervention Report you can save data on the servicing you have done and recall the data
on Metreco or use it on your PC:
- Leak detection (leak detector & result)
- Vacuum decay test (possibility to store the vacuum sensor value)
- Pressure test with N2 or N2H2 (possibility to store the pressure sensor value)
- Refrigerant changes: recovered & charged
- Filter-dryer replaced?
- Oil test
- Refrigerant acid test & refrigerant moisture test
- Time spent on the job
- Notes
1. Select a system (see 4.1.). Intervention Reports can only be made when an ‘ACR system’ is
3. Select ‘New Intervention Report’.
4. Select ‘Leakdetector’.
2. Select ‘Main Menu’ and select ‘Reports’.
5. Select ‘Leak detector type’ and the result.
6. Select ‘Vacuum Decay Test’ .
7. Choose manual input or an existing report
(see ‘4.4. Tests’). When choosing manual in-
put, enter the measured value OR take a live
read-out from your vacuum sensor, if placed
on the installation and assigned in Metreco
(vacuum sensor not incl.).
8. Enter evacuation time.
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