• Diagnosis
In this chapter you will learn how to use the diagnosis tool. Metreco can suggest possible
causes (*) for off-target measurements.
First of all you will need to define targets for the following measurements:
Evaporator exit
air temperature
Check the dynamic history of every measured and calculated value and its divergence to the
defined target on your Metreco Handheld. Per sensor, the last 10 measured values are shown.
(*) This is a non-limited list that serves only as an indication. The engineer has to make his own diagnosis and has
to be in possession of the certificates mandatory by law and the knowledge to service ACR systems.
1. Select a value in ‘All Values’.
2. You will get a history of this value. If the
value has a defined target you can consult a
diagnosis (*) with possible causes.
3. By selecting ‘Plot history’ the data will be
plotted on the screen.
Diagnosis (*)
with target
1. Choose an ACR system (see 4.1.).
2. Define the 3 targets and select ‘Done’.
3. From now on you will get a warning if a
value is off-target.
4. Select ‘OK’ to continue or ‘Value’ to check
the off-target value.