In the event of damage to the front axle
Have the propeller shaft between the rear
axle and the transfer case removed.
Have the vehicle towed with the front axle
In the event of rear axle damage (Vehi-
cles with 4MATIC)
If the vehicle has transmission damage or
damage to the front or rear axle, have it trans-
ported on a transporter or trailer.
New bolts must always be used when the
propeller shafts are refitted. The specified
tightening torques must be observed.
Consult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.
In the event of damage to the electrical
If the battery is defective, the automatic
transmission will be locked in position P. To
shift the automatic transmission to neutral,
you must supply power to the vehicle's elec-
trical system in the same way as jump-start-
ing (
page 329).
Have the vehicle transported on a transporter
or trailer.
Notes on changing fuses
The fuses in your vehicle serve to close down
faulty circuits. If a fuse blows, all the compo-
nents on the circuit and their functions will
Blown fuses must be replaced with fuses of
the same rating, which you can recognise by
the colour and value. The fuse ratings are lis-
ted in the fuse allocation chart. A Mercedes-
Benz Service Centre will be happy to advise
Risk of fire
Only use fuses that have been approved for
Mercedes-Benz vehicles and which have
the correct fuse rating for the systems con-
cerned. Do not attempt to repair or bridge
faulty fuses. Otherwise, a circuit overload
could cause a fire. Have the cause traced
and rectified at a qualified specialist work-
shop, e.g. a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.
If the newly inserted fuse also blows, have the
cause traced and rectified at a qualified spe-
cialist workshop, e.g. a Mercedes-Benz
Service Centre.
Only use fuses that have been approved
for Mercedes-Benz vehicles and which
have the correct fuse rating for the system
concerned. Otherwise, components or sys-
tems could be damaged.
The fuses are located in various fuse boxes:
Dashboard fuse box on the front-passenger
Fuse box in the engine compartment on the
right-hand side of the vehicle
Fuse box in the stowage well under the lug-
gage compartment floor
Fuse allocation chart
The fuse allocation chart is located with the
vehicle tool kit (
page 252) in the stowage
compartment under the luggage compart-
ment floor.
Practical advice
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