Ashtray ............................................... 315
Assistance display (on-board com-
puter) .................................................. 248
Assistance menu (on-board com-
puter) .................................................. 247
Displaying a service message ........ 328
Driving abroad ............................... 329
Hiding a service message .............. 328
Information about Service ............. 328
Resetting the service interval dis-
play ................................................ 328
Service message ............................ 327
Special service requirements ......... 328
ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system)
Activating/deactivating ................... 78
Function ........................................... 78
Switching off the alarm .................... 78
Activating/deactivating ................. 249
Display message ............................ 278
Function/notes ............................. 222
Audio menu (on-board computer) .... 245
Authorised workshop
see Qualified specialist workshop
AUTO lights
Display message ............................ 274
see Lights
Automatic engine start (ECO start/
stop function) .................................... 163
Automatic engine switch-off (ECO
start/stop function) .......................... 162
Automatic front-passenger front
airbag deactivation
Display message ............................ 270
Automatic front-passenger front
airbag deactivation system
Operation ......................................... 50
Problems ......................................... 54
System self-test ............................... 52
Automatic headlamp mode .............. 120
Automatic transmission
Accelerator pedal position ............. 174
Changing gear ............................... 174
DIRECT SELECT lever ..................... 169
Drive program display .................... 170
Drive programs .............................. 175
Driving tips .................................... 174
DYNAMIC SELECT button (all vehi-
cles except Mercedes-AMG vehi-
cles) ............................................... 166
(Mercedes-AMG vehicles) .............. 167
Emergency running mode .............. 180
Engaging drive position .................. 172
Engaging neutral ............................ 171
Engaging park position
(Mercedes-AMG vehicles) .............. 173
Engaging park position automati-
cally ............................................... 171
Engaging reverse gear ................... 171
Engaging the park position ............ 170
Holding the vehicle stationary on
uphill gradients .............................. 174
Kickdown ....................................... 174
Manual shifting .............................. 177
Oil temperature (on-board com-
puter, Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ..... 254
Overview ........................................ 169
Problem (fault) ............................... 180
Pulling away ................................... 160
Selector lever ................................ 172
Starting the engine ........................ 160
Steering wheel gearshift paddles ... 177
Trailer towing ................................. 175
Transmission position display ........ 172
Transmission position display
(DIRECT SELECT lever) ................... 170
Transmission positions .................. 173
Automatic transmission emer-
gency running mode ......................... 180
Auxiliary heating
Activating/deactivating ................. 149
Activating/deactivating (on the
centre console) .............................. 149
Remote control .............................. 149
Setting ........................................... 252
Auxiliary heating/ventilation
Display message ............................ 289
Important safety notes .................. 148
Problem (display message) ............ 153
Setting the departure time ............. 151
Auxiliary ventilation
Activating/deactivating ................. 149