Speed limit with overtaking restriction
A maximum permitted speed of 60 km/h
(60 mph)
and an overtaking restriction
Maximum permitted speed
Maximum permitted speed for vehicles
for which the restriction in the additional
sign is relevant
Additional sign for unknown restriction
Speed limit with unknown restriction
A maximum permitted speed of 80 km/h
(80 mph) and a speed limit of 60 km/h
(60 mph) with an unknown restriction apply.
Maximum permitted speed
Additional signs for wet conditions
Speed limits in wet conditions
A maximum permitted speed of 80 km/h
(80 mph) applies in wet conditions and when
Traffic Sign Assist has determined that the
restriction must be observed.
End of an overtaking restriction
A maximum permitted speed of 60 km/h
(60 mph)
applies. The overtaking restric-
tion no longer applies
. The traffic sign for
signalling the end of an overtaking restriction
is displayed for five seconds.
Driving systems