InfiniBand Switch Platform Hardware User Manual
Mellanox Technologies
Step 4:
Enable IPv6 autoconfig (SLAAC) on
mgmt0 interface
Perform this step to enable StateLess address
autoconfig on external management port.
If you wish to enable it, type “yes” and press
If you wish to disable it, enter “no”.
Step 5:
Admin password (Press <Enter> to
leave unchanged)? <new_password>
Step 4: Confirm admin password?
To avoid illegal access to the machine, please
type a password and then press <Enter>. Then
confirm the password by re-entering it.
Note that password characters are
You have entered the following information:
1. Hostname: <switch name>
2. Use DHCP on mgmt0 interface: yes
3. Enable IPv6: yes
4. Enable IPv6 autoconfig (SLAAC) on mgmt0
interface: yes
5. Admin password (Enter to leave unchanged):
To change an answer, enter the step number to
return to.
Otherwise hit <enter> to save changes and exit.
Choice: <Enter>
Configuration changes saved.
To return to the wizard from the CLI, enter the
“configuration jump-start” command from
configuration mode. Launching CLI...
<switch name> [standalone: master] >
The wizard displays a summary of your
choices and then asks you to confirm the
choices or to re-edit them.
Either press <Enter> to save changes and exit,
or enter the configuration step number that you
wish to return to.
To run the command “configuration jump-
start” you must be in Config mode.
Table 15 - Configuration Wizard Session - IP Configuration by DHCP (Sheet 2 of 2)
Wizard Session Display (Example)