Operating Manual for Euroklav
Page 23 No
printer ______________________________________________________________________
In order to select the option "No printer", proceed as described as in Section Under Point 5,
however, use the "+" or "-" button to reach the setting "No printer".
Immed. print-out? Yes/No
When an external printer is fully installed, a print-out can be produced automatically at the end of each
program run by selecting the following options after switching on the autoclave:
Display message
1. Hold down "+" button and
also press "-" button.
Select "Function" menu,
sub-menu "Print"
2. Press "Program" button,
Select "Print" menu sub-
menu "File transmission"
3. Press "+" button, select
sub-menu "Immed. print-
out?" Display shows
current option, here e.g.
4. The button "Program" can
be used to switch
between "Yes" and "No"
Press "Program" button,
Select "Yes" option
5. Press "Start-Stop" button,
Confirm the setting and
return to "Function"
menu, sub-menu "Print"
6. Press "Start-Stop" button,
Quit the "Function" menu
and return to the initial
Program Start-Stop
F u n c t i o n :
P r i n t
Program Start-Stop
P r i n t
F i l e t r a n s m i s s i o n
Program Start-Stop
I m m e d . p r i n t o u t
N o
Program Start-Stop
I m m e d . p r i n t - o u t ?
Y e s
Program Start-Stop
F u n c t i o n :
P r i n t
Program Start-Stop
1 4 : 2 7 : 3 0
0 . 0 2 b a r 2 5 ° C