Upon completion, the user will be returned to the Home Screen and notified the demagnetization
process is complete.
10.0 Step by Step Testing a VT with MRCT
10.1 Voltage Transformer Ratio and Phase
Refer to the safety instructions first before use of the equipment.
1. Verify the Power ON/OFF switch is OFF. Power the test set from a suitable source
of power (95-125 or 195-265 V50/60 Hz).
2. Connect the ground wing nut to a suitable ground.
Connect the test set secondary output
binding posts
to the
primary of the
voltage transformer..
Connect the test set secondary output binding posts X1 and X5 to primary of the voltage
transformer. Observe the polarity marks on the VT (X1 on test set is polarity terminal).
Connect the test set primary binding posts H1 and H2 to the secondary terminals of the voltage
transformer.Observe the polarity marks on the VT (H1 on the test set is polarity terminal).
Turn Power ON/OFF switch to ON.
After the boot up, in the Home Screen first put the MRCT into voltage transformer mode
by selecting the VT button.
There is always the possibility of voltages being induced at the terminals of a test
specimen because of proximity to high voltage energized lines. A residual static voltage
charge may also be present at these terminals. Ground each terminal to be tested with a
safety ground stick, before making connections.
The MRCT produces high voltages and currents during the performance of tests. DO NOT
TOUCH connector clips or test leads while the MRCT is performing a test.