USB Memory Stick:
With the STVI powered up, insert the USB memory stick into the USB port on top of
the STVI. If the Windows “Removable Disk (E)” Explorer screen appears, press the Cancel button, and
then go to the STVI Configuration Screen and press the Update Firmware button. Press the “STVI
Firmware” button. A window will appear stating that there is a software upgrade available and will ask if
you want to execute the upgrade. Press Yes and the unit will automatically upgrade the software. When
complete, power down the STVI by disconnecting the Ethernet cable. Wait about 5 to 10 seconds and
reconnect the cable. Observe the STVI display screen. When the basic test screen appears, press the
Configuration button, then press the Display Versions button and verify the version of the software
7.2 Service and Repair Instructions
Basic troubleshooting information has been provided to guide the technician to the possible
source of a problem.
Since the STVI uses Surface Mount Technology, repairs of the individual printed circuit boards
are beyond the scope of the basic troubleshooting guide, and should be referred to the Service
Department at Megger or handled through the Megger Representative.
If the unit is still within the original warranty period, or limited warranty period following
factory servicing,
the factory must be contacted before attempting any repairs or the warranty
will be void.
7.2.1 Basic Troubleshooting
The troubleshooting information relies on the technician to have a good understanding of the
operation of the unit. The technician should contact the factory should they have any questions
regarding the operation of the unit. Provide the Megger the serial number of the STVI when
making inquiries.
It is necessary to energize the MRCT to properly troubleshoot the STVI. The
technician must take all applicable safety precautions for working with the possible
energized outputs of the MRCT.
Before suspecting a failure in the STVI review the Description of Controls and Theory of
Operation sections to ensure that the problem is not a result of operating error.
Common causes of malfunctions, other than improper operation, are bad Ethernet cable or
cable connectors, or incorrect power input (voltage above or below specified limits).