The current Service Manual can be found at www.medivance.com/manuals
27 Patient Temperature
2 Probe Out of Range
Medium Priority Alarm
Patient Temperature 2 probe is not
detected, or the temperature reading
is below the lower display range (10°C
1. Check that the Patient Temperature 2 probe is properly placed in the
patient and has not dislodged.
2. Check that the Patient Temperature 2 probe is connected to the Patient
Temperature 2 cable / connector on the back of the Control Module.
3. Check that the connection between the temperature probe and
temperature cable is secure.
4. Check that the connection between the temperature cable and the Patient
Temperature 2 connector is secure.
5. Check the integrity of the temperature cable. Flex the cable to check for an
intermittent fault. If damaged, replace cable.
6. Replace the patient temperature probe.
28 Patient Temperature
2 Probe Out of Range
Medium Priority Alarm
Patient Temperature 2 probe is not
detected, or the temperature reading
is above the upper limits of the
display range (44°C/ 111.2°F).
1. Check that the Patient Temperature 2 probe is properly placed in the
patient and has not dislodged.
2. Check that the Patient Temperature 2 probe is connected to the Patient
Temperature 2 cable / connector on the back of the Control Module.
3. Check that the connection between the temperature probe and
temperature cable is secure.
4. Check that the connection between the temperature cable and the Patient
Temperature 2 connector is secure.
5. Check the integrity of the temperature cable. Flex the cable to check for an
intermittent fault. If damaged, replace cable.
6. Replace the patient temperature probe.
29 Patient Temperature
2 Calibration Error
Low Priority Alarm
The system is unable to internally
check the calibration of the Patient
Temperature 2 channel within
± 1.0°C when the system is in a
patient control mode (e.g. Control
Patient, Cooling or Rewarming).
Patient Temperature 2 channel is
made inactive.
1. Power system Off. Wait 30 seconds. Power system On.
2. Initiate a patient control mode.
3. If the alarm recurs, contact your hospital clinical engineering department
or BD Customer Support to verify the system calibration.
30 Patient Temperature
2 Calibration Error
Low Priority Alarm
The system is unable to internally
check the calibration of the Patient
Temperature 2 channel within ± 1.0°C
when the system is in Manual Control
Patient Temperature 2 channel is
made inactive.
1. Power system Off. Wait 30 seconds. Power system On.
2. Initiate Manual Control mode.
3. If the alarm recurs, contact your hospital clinical engineering department
or BD Customer Support to verify the system calibration.
31 Patient Temperature
2 Calibration Error
Low Priority Alarm
The system is unable to calibrate
the Patient Temperature 2 channel
within ± 1.0°C when the system is in
a patient control mode (e.g. Control
Patient, Cooling or Rewarming).
Patient Temperature 2 channel is
made inactive
1. Power system Off. Wait 30 seconds. Power system On.
2. Initiate a patient control mode.
3. If the alarm recurs, contact your hospital clinical engineering department
or BD Customer Support to verify the system calibration.
32 Patient Temperature
2 Calibration Error
Low Priority Alarm
The system is unable to calibrate the
Patient Temperature 2 channel within
± 1.0°C when in Manual Control mode.
Patient Temperature 2 channel is
made inactive.
1. Power system Off. Wait 30 seconds. Power system On.
2. Initiate Manual Control mode.
3. If the alarm recurs, contact your hospital clinical engineering department
or BD Customer Support to verify the system calibration.
33 Water Temperature
Medium Priority Alarm
The primary outlet water temperature
is above 44°C (111.2°F).
1. Check flow rate. A low flow rate or fluctuating flow rate may cause the
water to overheat. If the flow rate is low, see
VIII. Troubleshooting-Water-
Low Water Flow
for troubleshooting assistance.
2. Allow the water to cool. Restart the previous control mode and monitor
water temperature.
3. If the problem persists, contact BD Customer Support.
34 Water Temperature
High Medium Priority
The primary outlet water temperature
is above 42.5°C (108.5°F).
1. Check flow rate. A low flow rate or fluctuating flow rate may cause the
water to overheat. If the flow rate is low, see
VIII. Troubleshooting-Water-
Low Water Flow
for troubleshooting assistance.
2. Allow the water to cool. Restart the previous control mode and monitor
water temperature.
3. If the problem persists, contact BD Customer Support.
35 Water Temperature
Low Medium Priority
The primary outlet water temperature
is below 3.5°C (38.3°F).
1. Allow the water to warm. Restart the previous control mode and monitor
water temperature.
2. If the problem persists, contact BD Customer Support.