The current Service Manual can be found at www.medivance.com/manuals
Fig 8-47 loosen the hose clamp that secures tubing to manifold
Fig 8-48 Cut cable ties routing flowmeter cable to upper bracket
Fig 8-49 Circulation Pump
8.20 Replace the Heater
Tools and Supplies required:
• 7/16” (11mm) nut driver
• Wire cutters
1. Lift upper bracket to allow access to the heater per
step 8.17.
2. Using wire cutters, cut cable ties securing the
heater harness to the upper and lower bracket then
disconnect the harness from J1 on the AC PCB.
3. Remove the black foam covering the two (2)
hex head screw securing the heater to the lower
bracket. Then using a 7/16” (11mm) nut driver,
remove the two (2) screws.
: Be careful not to knock either of the external
tooth washers, located under the heater
flange, into the reservoir tank. Remove from
tank if this does occur.
4. Carefully remove the heater from the device.
5. Install the new heater assembly into the tank by
first directing the orange flow deflector towards the
level sensor (see figure 8-52).
Fig 8-50 Disconnect heater harness from AC PCB
Fig 8-51 Remove screws securing heater (step 3)
Fig 8-52 Install heater with flow deflector towards level
sensor (step 5)