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Mechatro, INC
4.3 Command Notation
The name of the command.
The code sequence.
Gives the allowable ranges for the argument.
Describes the command's function.
Provides important information on setting and using the printer command,
Gives the default values,(if any) for the command arguments.
Lists related commands.
Gives example of how to use the command.
4.4 Explanation of Terms
(1) Reception buffer
The reception buffer is a buffer that stores, as is, the data received from the host (the reception
data). The reception data is stored in the reception buffer temporarily, and is then processed
(2) Print buffer
The print buffer is a buffer that stores the image data to be printed.
(3) Print buffer full
This is the state where the print buffer is full. If new print data is input while the print buffer is
full, the data in the print buffer is printed out and a line feed is executed. This is the same
operation as the LF operation.
(4) Printable area
The maximum range within which printing is possible under the printer specifications. The
printable area for this printer is 56mm.
(5) Ignore
The state in which all codes, including parameters, are read in and discarded, and nothing
(6) Inch
A unit of length. One inch is 25.4mm.
(7) MSB
Most Significant Bit
(8) LSB
Least Significant Bit