Measurement Specialties
Digital Series User’s Manual
Page 28
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g a n d M a i n t e n a n c e
The following checklist will help in troubleshooting problems:
Faulty wiring -- check all wiring and terminations
No power -- check fuse in the data recorder and power at sensor.
Wrong address requested -- make sure the data recorder is set up to
request data at the proper address
Wrong address set in sensor -- use the identify command to make
sure the sensor is responding to the proper address.
No data
Command or address is wrong case -- all SDI-12 commands are
capital letters. Make sure address is proper case and commands are
upper case.
Multiple sensors set to the same address -- check address settings
of all SDI sensors. Remove all other sensors from the recorder and
add them one at a time. Communication is defined to be 1200, E, 1.
Garbled data
Command issued to a wild card address (* or ?). Remove all other
sensors from the recorder and try again.
Wrong units selected -- use the M command and look at the units
field. Verify that the desired units are selected.
Erroneous offset entered -- display the field calibration offset using
the M3 command and verify it. Re-calibrate the offset.
Erroneous user slope and offset entered -- display the user slope
and offset using the M3 command and verify.