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3.1.17 Remote Button/LED
When this button is activated the HPA will allow the device (remote panel) on the remote
interface to control the HPA operating configuration. When the Yellow LED inside the button is
illuminated, the amplifier is controlled via the remote serial port.
3.1.18 Auto Button/LED
When this button is activated both HPAs in the 1:1 switchover will be put into the auto switching
mode. When the Green LED inside the button is illuminated the amplifier is in Automatic
Switching mode.
3.1.19 Manual Button/LED
When this button is activated both HPAs in the 1:1 switchover will be put into the manual-
switching mode. When the Yellow LED inside the button is illuminated the amplifier is in
manual switching mode.
3.1.20 Antenna Button/LED
When this button is activated, though the 1:1 switchover this HPA will be put into the antenna
port of the RF switch. When the Green LED inside the button is illuminated the amplifier is
switched to the antenna port of the RF switch.
3.1.21 Load Button/LED
When this button is activated, though the 1:1 switchover this HPA will be put into the dummy
load port of the RF switch. When the Yellow LED inside the button is illuminated the amplifier
is switched to the dummy load port of the RF switch.
3.1.22 RF Low Switching LED
The Green LED will illuminate when RF Low alarm switching for the Auto Switching mode has
been enabled through the Switchover interface.
3.1.23 Hold Power Button/LED
When this button is activated the HPA RF output power will be automatically regulated by the
Auto Power function. When the Green LED inside the button is illuminated this indicates the RF
output power is being automatically regulated by the Auto Power function.
3.1.24 Units Select Button
When this button is activated it will cause the HPA to toggle the displayed units of three
parameters on the HPA front panel between Watts, dBm, or dBW. The three parameters are RF
Forward Power, RF Reflected Power, and Tube Drive Power. The units for no other parameter
will be affected including the trip levels for these parameters.