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3.2.1 Title Screen
The title screen will be displayed when the TWTA first powers on and will remain on while
startup testing and a lamp test is performed. This will not exceed 5 seconds.
3.2.2 Encoder-Adjustment Knob
The adjustment knob along with the Accept & Menu Select buttons will be used to move from
screen to screen, to move from parameter to parameter on a screen, and to adjust parameters that
are displayed on these screens.
3.2.3 Normal Operating Screen
The normal operating screen is activated automatically after the title screen disappears and there
are no faults or alarms present. During filament delay, the first line of the normal operating
screen will display the remaining filament delay time. After filament delay time ends, the RF
forward power value will be displayed on the first line of the display. However, if filament delay
has ended and the RF On/Off state is OFF, RF OFF will be displayed on the first line. The
second line will display reflected power in the same units as forward power. If Transmit Selected
is active, the second line will display XMT SELECTED. The third line will always display helix
current and voltage. The fourth line is used to view numeric (meter) values. To change the
parameter displayed on the fourth line rotate the knob CW or CCW. CW will rotate through the
list shown in the figure from top to bottom and CCW will be bottom to top. By pressing the
Menu Select button from this screen the menu screen (see the next paragraph) will be displayed.