991 High Speed
Round Bale Wrapper
WARNING: Inspections in the ‘Danger Zone’ with the machine
running, shall only occur with a trained operator at the controls
Entering the ‘Danger Zone’ while the machine is running is not
recommended. If it is to be carried out, a fully trained operator shall be at
the controls. The tractor hand brake shall be applied and the electronic
control box shall be in manual mode. The operator shall remain in
communication with the inspector throughout. If communication is lost
with the inspector, or they move within 1.1 m of moving parts or parts that
have the potential to move, all tractor power shall be turned off
ENVIRONMENT: Health and safety rules for the environment
It is vitally important to observe health and safety rules in order to avoid
unnecessary environmental damage or danger to anybody near the
machine. This especially applies to the responsible disposal of oil. Never
spill pollutants (oil, grease, filters, etc.) on the ground, never pour them
down the drain and never discard them where they can pollute the
environment. Always take waste materials to a recycling centre.