MBIT Technologies
Step 5: Press the Save button to save changes and you can see the status of corresponding LED is solid
Step 6: Press the Reboot button to make changes effective.
In idle, press the corresponding button to make call immediately.
Adding call park:
Step 1: Choose one Exp Key to configuration
Step 2: Select the Call Park from the drop down list in type
Step 3: Choose the Line from line1, line2.
Step 4: Fill the pickup extension code in Expansion
Step 5: Press the Save button to save changes and you can see the status of corresponding LED is solid
Step 6: Press the Reboot button to make changes effective.
7.7.3 Dial Plan Parameters and Settings
Field Name
Dial Plan
If or not enable dial rule.
Choose the call mode from
line1, line2.
Digit Map
Fill in the sequence used to
match input number
The syntactic, please refer
to the following Dial Plan
Choose the dial plan mode
from Deny and Dial Out.
Deny means bb100 will reject
the matched number, while
Dial Out means bb100 allow
dial out the matched number.
Move Up
Press it to move up.
Move Down
Press it to move down.
Picture 1