Overview and Operating Principle
while sliding toward the cam shaft. Section A of Shaft,cam moves along the shaft (the shaded
section in the Fig. below) of the paper feeding cam for one turn, causing section C of the paper
feeding lever to move up and down one pitch with Section B as the center (in the direction of
arrow (b) and (c) to feed the paper.
Figure 1-12 Normal Paper Feeding
Fast paper feeding (Refer to Figs. 1.13 and 1.14)
When the specified timing is applied to the trigger coil, the trigger plate is pulled toward the
Holder,trigger yoke then rotates in the direction of arrow (d) as shown in Fig. 1.13. The force of
rotation is also transmitted to the trigger lever which is mounted to the trigger plate and the
trigger lever is rotated in the direction of arrow (e) in Fig. 1.13. Following this, the trigger lever
is released by the fast feeding lever and the fast feeding lever rotates in the direction of arrow (f)
as shown in Figs. 1.13 and 1.14. The top end of the fast feeding lever then disengages from the
cam track (the shaded section) at the center of the paper feeding cam. In this state, the cam track
(the shaded section) does not engage the Lever,fast feeding and rotates in the direction of arrow
(a) in Fig. 1.14. Then, Section A of the paper feeding lever moves along the groove cam (the
shaded section in Fig. 1.14) on the paper feeding cam once to feed the paper 3 pitches.
Figure 1-13 Operation of Trigger Lever during Fast Paper Feeding
Cam, paper feeding
Paper feeding lever
groove cam
Shaft, cam
Lever, fast feeding
Trigger lever
Trigger plate
Lever, fast feeding