Pompe di calore inverter aria/acqua con ventilatori assiali
Setting the parameter
= 2, the antifreeze function is never active (for example because the solar plant is supplied with glycol).
Be careful as enabling this function could damage the entire system.
Solar integration is NOT managed if the controller of the unit is OFF.
The remote digital input OFF has no effect on solar management.
During first ignition, check that the probe of the solar collector measures a temperature lower than 160°C and that this temperature corre
sponds to that read on the controller of the internal unit.
Solar circulator live output 230V ac, 50Hz, 2A (AC1).
For higher absorptions, connect the output to the contactor coil.
Factory-set parameters for solar management, any other configurations are the responsibility of the user and/or installer. The company
excludes any contractual and extra contractual liability for damage caused to persons, animals or objects, by incorrect installation, setting
and maintenance, improper use of the equipment, and the partial or superficial reading of the information contained in this manual.
All the operations with INSTALLER visibility must be carried out by QUALIFIED PERSONNEL.
Not all of the configurations can be activated and/or modified at the same time.
Values other than the default values can jeopardise proper operation of the unit. If in doubt on which value to set, contact
our headquarters.
The company excludes any contractual and extra contractual liability for damage caused to persons, animals or objects, by
incorrect installation, setting and maintenance, improper use of the equipment, and the partial or superficial reading of the
information contained in this manual.
We shall not be held liable for any breakage or malfunctioning caused by third parties changing the default parameters if not expressly autho
rised to do so.
The following is the table of the allowed configurations; not all of them can be selected simultaneously.
Values other than the default values can jeopardise proper operation of the unit. If in doubt on which value to set, contact our headquarters.