d e s p u é s d e h a b e r e n c o n t r a d o e l P a s o B a s e ó p t i m o m a r c h a a v a n t e , s e p u e d e p r o c e d e r a
l a r e g u l a c i ó n d e l p a so m a r c h a a t r á s . T a l r e g u l a c i ó n s e o b t i e n e m o n t a n d o u n ‘ ú t i l ’
n u m e r a d o e n e l a l o j a m i e n t o s i t u e d o a p o p a d e l a p r o p a h é l i c e . ( v e r f i g u r a 3 ) . Los ‘útiles
son 7 (numerados del número 1 al número 7). Cada uno de los útiles tiene diferente espesor y provocan
un efecto.
La diferencia de grados o paso es la que aparece en la figura 3 para cada uno de los útiles. Dado que el
paso base marcha avante ha sido ya seleccionado en el apartado 2 y es poco habitual grandes diferencias en
las reductoras marcha avante y marcha atrás, será relativamente sencillo seleccionar el útil adecuado,
introducirlo en el compartimento y posteriormente apretar para asegurarlo los dos tornillos que lo fijan
Con ello habremos logrado un paso diferente marcha atrás. (fig.3).
Only after finding the ideal basic pitch in forward, you can adjust the pitch in reverse.
This adjustment is done by choosing an insert and fitting it into its slot in the propeller (see fig. 4).
There are 7 inserts (numbered from 1 to 7), and everyone is supplied with a rod having a particular
thickness, different from the other rods. Fitting in one particular insert produces in the ECOWIND
ANTISHOCK MAX PROP® a pitch in reverse,that has a specific difference in minor value compared to the
basic pitch in forward.
This difference is written in the table of fig. 3, for every single insert. As the value of the best basic pitch in
forward has already been selected operating like in 2A), it’s rather easy choosing the insert to fit in to get
the desired pitch in reverse. Once the insert is in its special housing, block it with the two screws. (fig.4)
Fig. 3