8.13 02b9 / 02bA / 02bC / 02bd error TroUbleSHooTiNG
error meSSAGe 02b9 / 02bA / 02bC / 02bd
1) cause:
a. 02B9 - The inner memory IC data write error.
b. 02BA - The inner memory IC data read error.
c. 02BC - Ground connection or fuse error.
d. 02BD - Inverter hardware interrupt error.
2) sOLuTION:
a. Replace the MCB.
8.14 04A0 error TroUbleSHooTiNG
error meSSAGe 04A0
1) cause:
a. No communication response.
2) sOLuTION:
a. If an 04A0 error is displayed, MCB Com LED should not be lit (Figure A).
b. Check the connection of the digital communication wire at the MCB (Figure B).
c. Replace the digital communication wire.
d. Replace the console.
e. Replace the MCB.
fiGUre A
fiGUre b
CHAPTer 8: TroUbleSHooTiNG