9.15 HeArT rATe boArd rePlACemeNT
1) Turn off power to the treadmill and remove the power cord.
2) Remove the console as outlined in Section 9.12.
3) Remove the console frame as outlined in Section 9.14.
4) Remove the 2 screws holding the emergency stop frame to the console frame (Figure A).
5) Lay the console frame on its face and remove the 7 screws holding the back panel to the console frame and lean the console back out of
the way (Figure B).
6) Disconnect the wire connections that go to the heart rate board (Figure C).
7) Remove the 2 screws holding the heart rate board to the console frame and remove it (Figure D).
8) Reverse Steps 1-7 to install a new heart rate board.
9) Test the treadmill for function as outlined in Section 9.21.
fiGUre A
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
fiGUre d
CHAPTer 9: PArT rePlACemeNT GUide