4.2 mANUAl WorkoUT oPerATioN
qUiCk STArT oPerATioN
Press the GO key and the treadmill will enter into a manual mode of operation. All energy expenditure values will be calculated using the default
weight measurement.
mANUAl WorkoUT oPerATioN
Manual is a workout that allows you to manually adjust the speed and incline values at anytime. The manual workout also contains a setup
screen which allows you to input your weight to help calculate a more accurate caloric burn rate.
To enter into this Manual Workout:
1) Choose a Manual Workout by selecting the button next MANUAL WORKOUT on the display.
2) Enter the desired workout length using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
3) Enter the user's weight (the user's weight is used to calculate the caloric expenditure value-providing an accurate weight helps to ensure an
accurate caloric expenditure rating for each user) using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
4) Enter the desired start speed using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
6) Press GO to begin the workout.
4.3 leVel bASed WorkoUT oPerATioN
rolliNG HillS WorkoUT oPerATioN
Rolling Hills is a level based workout that automatically adjusts the incline value to simulate walking or running up hills.
1) Choose a Rolling Hills workout by selecting the key next to ROLLING HILLS on the display.
2) Enter the desired workout length using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
3) Enter the desired intensity level using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
4) Enter the user's weight (the user's weight is used to calculate the caloric expenditure value, providing an accurate weight helps to ensure an
accurate caloric expenditure rating for each user) using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
5) Press GO to begin the workout.
fAT bUrN WorkoUT oPerATioN
Fat Burn is a level-based workout that is designed to help users burn fat through various incline changes.
1) Choose a Fat Burn workout by selecting the key next to FAT BURN on the display.
2) Enter the desired workout length using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
3) Enter the desired intensity level using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
4) Enter the user's weight (the user's weight is used to calculate the caloric expenditure value, providing an accurate weight helps to ensure an
accurate caloric expenditure rating for each user) using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
5) Press GO to begin the workout.
5k rUN WorkoUT oPerATioN
5K Run is a level-based workout with a fixed distance of 5 kilometers. Incline is adjusted automatically throughout the workout. You control the
1) Choose a 5K Run workout by selecting the key next to 5K RUN on the display.
2) Enter the desired intensity level using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
3) Enter the user's weight (the user's weight is used to calculate the caloric expenditure value, providing an accurate weight helps to ensure an
accurate caloric expenditure rating for each user) using the ARROW KEYS or the NUMBER KEYPAD and press ENTER.
4) Press GO to begin the workout.
Your Matrix T1xe-01 Treadmill offers a variety of level-based workouts to challenge users of all fitness levels. The following information will
briefly explain the workouts and how to program the treadmill for each workout selection.
CHAPTer 4: CoNSole oVerlAy ANd WorkoUT deSCriPTioN