9.19 HeArT rATe GriPS rePlACemeNT
1) Turn off power to the treadmill and unplug the power cord.
2) Use a flat screwdriver to pry off the bottom heart rate grip plate (Figure A).
3) Unplug the bottom heart rate grip plate and remove it (Figure B).
4) Remove the 2 screws holding the lower plastic heart rate grip to the upper plastic heart rate grip (Figure C).
5) Split apart the 2 halves of the heart rate grip and remove the bottom half (Figure D).
6) Unplug the top heart rate grip plate and remove the heart rate grip (Figure E).
7) Reverse Steps 1-6 to install new heart rate grips.
8) Test the treadmill for function as outlined in Section 9.21.
fiGUre A
fiGUre b
fiGUre C
fiGUre d
fiGUre e
CHAPTer 9: PArT rePlACemeNT GUide