For your safety and to ensure good treadmill performance, the ground on this circuit must be non-looped. Please refer to NEC articles 210-21 and 210-23.
Your treadmill is provided with a power cord with a plug listed below and requires the listed outlet. Any alterations of this power cord could void all warranties
of this product..
2.3 eleCTriCAl reqUiremeNTS
mATrix dediCATed CirCUiT / eleCTriCAl
reqUiremeNT iNfo
All Matrix treadmills require the use of a 20 amp "dedicated circuit" with a non-looped (isolated) neutral / ground for the power requirement.
Quite simply this means that each outlet you plug your treadmill into should not have anything else running on that same circuit. The easiest
way to verify this is to locate the main circuit breaker box, and turn off the breaker(s) one at a time. Once a breaker has been turned off, the
only thing that should not have power to it is the treadmill. No lamps, vending machines, fans, sound systems, or any other item should lose
power when you perform this test.
Non-looped (isolated) neutral / grounding means that each circuit must have an individual neutral / ground connection coming from it, and
terminating at an approved earth ground. You cannot "jumper" a single neutral / ground from one circuit to the next.
In addition to the dedicated circuit requirement, the proper gauge wire must be used from the circuit breaker box, to each outlet that will have
the maximum number of units running off of it. If the distance from the circuit breaker box, to each outlet, is 100 feet or less, then 12 gauge
wire may be used. For any distance greater than 100 feet from the circuit breaker box to the outlet, 10 gauge wire must be used.