Matrix SETU ATA211 System Manual
Select the
Forward Error Correction
check box to enable. Default: Disabled.
Voice Activity Detection:
Voice Activity Detection is a software application which allows data network,
carrying voice traffic over the internet, to detect the absence of audio and conserve bandwidth by
preventing the transmission of 'Silent Packets' over the network.
Select the
Voice Activity Detection
check box if you want SETU ATA211 to apply Voice Activity Detection
(also called ‘Silence Suppression'). Default: Disabled.
Default 'Admin' password when 'User' defaults the ATA?:
When SETU ATA211 is set to factory
defaults, the Admin Password not be set to default, unless this flag is enabled.
By default the option
Default 'Admin' Password when 'User' defaults the ATA?
is enabled, clear the
check box to disable. Default: Enabled
If you are an ITSP, you may use this flag (disable) to prevent your customers (end users) from setting the
Admin Password to default and gaining unrestricted access to system configuration.
STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT) server facilitates traversing through most NATs, except
symmetric NATs. So, if your router has Symmetric NAT, do not configure STUN.
If your SETU ATA211 is located behind a NAT router that is other than symmetric,
in the
STUN Server Address: Port
field, enter the STUN Server Address and the Listening Port of the
STUN Server.
The STUN Server Address can have a maximum of 40 characters.
The valid range of the STUN Server Port is from 1024–65535. Default: 03478.
Clear the
SIP Port fetched using STUN
check box, if SETU ATA211 is located behind the NAT router
and you have forwarded the SIP listening port of the SETU ATA211 in the router.
Keep the
SIP Port fetched using STUN
check box
enabled, if you have
forwarded the SIP
Listening Port in the router.