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Temperature Controller METICOM CTI Series
Button text: Function Buttons will display by TEXT mode instead of ICON mode.
OAID display: Zone’s original ID displayed, used for maintenance.
Resolution 0.1: Present temperature’s display resolution is 0.1.
5.2.6 Control Modules
Display the communication status of each module and its type.
Reset Cumulative Run Time: used for remote communication.
5.2.7 Auxiliary Functions (
blue – unchecked,
green – checked)
Touch to enter Aux-function configuration page.
Appointed zone’s number:
The power supply voltage will be displayed in status bar on main interface.
Over voltage halt:
When the power supply over voltage alarm is triggered the system will
stop running.
Remote stop control:
When the system receives an external stop signal it will stop running.
Remote standby control & Standby (delay) time:
After the system receives an external standby signal it will work in
standby mode until AUTO button is pressed on HMI.
Mold test: reserved.
5.2.8 42-zone / 24-zone Display in One Page
Touch to alternate between 24-zone and 42-zone displayed in one page.
5.2.9 Clear Operation Log & Historical Data
Touch [
] to clear all operation logs and all historical curve data.
5.2.10 Sensor Fault Solution
In case of a sensor failure you can appoint a zone as another zone’s sensor reference to allow you to
finish the production run. Typically, the sensors of these two zones are near and of the same watt as
each other, such as 2 similar hot runner nozzles.
When the sensor of the zone (Major ID) fails the controller will use the temperature of the other zone
(Related ID) to simulate the failed one.
This function can be enabled or disabled according to requirements.