- 5
- Connection in bad state
The live parts are not fully covered with insulation removable by destruction only, the connections are not secure
because of unstable tightening of the parts and a development of oxide between the parts.
- Direct contact
Contact of persons or animals with live parts
- Control circuit
Circuit used to control machine operation
- Equipment
General term which comprises materials, devices, equipment, accessories and similar used in conjunction with
an electrical installation
Indicates that particular attention must be paid in order to prevent serious risks which could
lead to death or possible harm to the health of personnel.
A condition which may occur during the lifetime of a product, system or plant considered
at risk regarding damage to persons, property, the environment or economic loss.
Indicates that particular attention must be paid in order to prevent serious consequences
which could result in damage to tangible goods, such as the resources or the product.
Instructions of particular importance.
Carefully consult this manual before using or carrying out any operation on the generator.
The routine maintenance operations, must be carried out by qualified personnel who have the
appropriate equipment and protections.