5. Reinstall the spark arrester and tail onto muffler,
then reinstall and tighten the two socket head
6. Reinstall the cylinder cover and the air filter cover.
Sharpening saw chain
Whenever wood chips become small and fine or the
wood cannot be cut without pressing the pruner hard
against it, then it may be necessary to sharpen the saw
1. Tighten the saw chain slightly firmer than usual then
secure the pruner’s main unit.
2. Place a file with a 4.0 mm (5/32 inch) diameter
against the cutter and extend 1/5 of it beyond the
3. Press the file against the cutter at its base in a
30-degree angle from the vertical line and move the
file straight ahead from the inner side to the outer
side of the cutter.
4. Shift the file so that it remains in a 90-degree angle
against the guide bar.
5. Once one side of the cutter is sharpened, sharpen the
other side of the cutter. Be sure to keep the length
and angle uniform throughout.
The efficiency of this work greatly impacts
t h e s h a r p n e s s o f t h e c u t t e r. I t i s
r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t s h a r p e n i n g b e
performed often.
Be sure to use an appropriate file for
sharpening the saw chain cutters.
Adjusting depth gauge
The depth gauge determines how deep the cutter cuts
into the wood.
1. When the cutter lengths become shorter due to
sharpening, the depth gauge must also be cut back.
Sharpen shaded area
Maintain uniform lengths of cutters
90° File
Guide bar
Depth gauge
Depth gauge setting
Top plate
cutting angle
Side plate filing angle
Top plate filing angle
Oil discharge holes
(also on the reverse side)
0,3 mm or more
Worn condition
Grease plug
Gear case
Cutter Maintenance Specifications