( Fuel Waiting Period Setting Button )
Fuel Feeding Period Setting Button)
Fan Button )
Termostat Setting Button)
Fan Led )
(Pump Led)
Fuel Finshed Led)
Fuel Squeezed Led)
( Up
Down Button)
7 part Led Indicator )
Reductor Button )
Fan Button)
(Fuel Feeding Button)
(Alarm Button)
(On/ Off Button)
Fuel Feed Button
Feeds the fuel manually when fuel feed button is pushed
Reductor Button
Reductor becomes ON or OFF when Reductor button is pushed.
Fan Button
Fan becomes ON or OFF when Fan button is pushed
On/ Off Button
System becomes ON or OFF ( Button should be pushed 2 seconds for
both position)
Alarm Button
Alarm stops
Increasing Button
Increases the value of the set function
Decreasing Button
Decreases the value of the set function
Lcd Screen
Shows the temperature in normal conditions. In setting condition, setting
value is shown on screen.
Fuel waiting period
setting button
Sets the waiting period after fuel loading (04-255 sec)
Fuel feeding period
setting button
Sets fuel loading period. (04-60 sec)
Fan Setting Button
Sets speed level of fan ( From 1 to 5 )
Thermostat Setting Button
Adjust the intended temperature ( from
35 °C' to to 90 °C)
Fan led
Shows fan activation
Pump led
Shows pump activation
Reductor led
Shows reductor activation.
No Fuel led
Shows lack of fuel
Fuel Congestion Led
Shows reductor is congested
Failure Codes
* ( H1 ) No Fuel
* ( H2 ) Heating sensor is not connected or broken
*( H3 ) Temperature of the boiler water is very high
*( H4 ) Fuel is congested in reductor
Fuel loading and feeding value is in Table 1. Loading and feeding settings belongs to the fuel only
It is necessary to do new settings when the fuel type is changed
Safety termostat is placed behind the control panel and is active during a possible
breakdown of boiler water setting thermostat to prevent the increase of boiler water temperature. Hence, ensures an
extra safety and protects the boiler. Recommended to be set at 80 °C.
Current boiler water temprature is shown on digital screen when adjustment settings is not in use