Frame / Mechanical Issues
If your M2 is slanting up or down, check these parts of your frame build:
1. The bottom of your wasteboard should be 12” from the bottom of your footers.
2. The wasteboard should be clamped or screwed onto the stud mounts, to maintain a 15 degree angle.
3. The target distance of the motor offset (from the top of the chain to the top of the wasteboard, should be
at least 18” for a 4’x8’ frame.
4. Make sure your wasteboard is as flat as possible.
5. Your frame must be square. Ensure that the stud mount and top beam measurements are symmetrical.
6. Make sure all of the T-nuts, bolts, and screws are tight on your M2 and frame.
7. If your M2 is slanting on different materials, increase the RPM of your router and decrease your cut-per-
pass depth. Your bit can pull the M2 sled in different directions based on the depth, bit, and RPM.
Calibration / Digital Issues
If your M2 is not accurate or slanting, check these calibration settings:
1. Don’t round measurements. If you measure 25.478mm, then input that into Makerverse.
2. Measure the exact size of your wasteboard by hand and set your home in the middle. Input your wasteboard
size into Makerverse.
3. When you change a value, the Makerverse UI might not immediately show the change. You can disconnect
and reconnect the port to see your changes.
4. Always set your home in the center of your wasteboard and use work offset home. If you constantly change
the position of home, your M2 will not be calculate properly.
5. The most important measurements are the distance between motors, motor offset (from chain to top of
wasteboard, and the exact size of your wasteboard.
This work is licensed under the creative commons Attribution
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.
Last Updated 11.09.2020
Version 1.14