Kleiss MCS60-1016 System Manual v.15 June 2020
10.0 General Maintenance:
All equipment should be cleaned and inspected for wear after each job
to prolong the life of the equipment and ensure the safety of the operators.
Inventory all system components (refer to Section 4.0 Equipment)
Visually inspect the cutters and pilot drills
PE cutter - no missing or chipped teeth (13100100)
PE pilot drill - looks to be in good condition (13200727)
Steel and cast iron cutter - looks to be in good condition (13200725)
Steel and cast iron pilot drill - looks to be in good condition (14300054)
NOTE: The best indication of the condition of the cutter and pilot drill is the coupon removed from the pipe.
Smooth cuts indicate good condition and jagged / rough cuts indicate wear of the cutter and pilot drill.
Grease the tapping device, if needed (10310800)
Inspect gauges for any damage and ensure they are reading zero and function properly
Inspect stopper rod for bends and/or damage
Check to make sure the gear box is operating freely with no binding or grinding
Clean ALL threads and quick connections
Inspect and clean all chutes (quantity 3)
Inspect to make sure slide gate valve is opening and closing smoothly and functioning properly
Inspect all bolts, screws, and joints
Inspect MDS Stoppers for any excessive wear and replace if necessary (refer to Appendix A)
Make sure protective cap is on the stopper to protect the threads
Thoroughly clean off any dirt, debris, and grease on all tools and stoppers with a lint free cloth and water
(well-maintained equipment extends the life)
NOTE: MCS recommends that the complete set of tools be inspected, serviced, and tested by an authorized MCS
service center on a two year rotation or sooner.