Kleiss MCS60-1016 System Manual v.15 June 2020
Locate the maximum drilling depth by measuring
2” down from the bottom of the feed tube. Place
a mark on the brass tapping tube. (In picture, 1/2”
black electrical tape was used.)
Rotate the feed tube counterclockwise until 3
additional threads are exposed. (This ensures the
pilot drill is not on the pipe and is in the proper
position to start drilling.)
Place air motor on drilling rod square.
Operator should ensure the air compressor is
working properly at 90 psi measured at the inlet
of the air motor. Air volume through the motor
should operate the air motor at 20 RPM’s load
speed (cut) & 40 RPM’s free speed (non-cut).
Make certain the oiler / separator is in place.
NOTE: If issues with air motor occur, tapping can
be completed by hand using the ratchet.
Attach feeding rod with bridge to bridge stands.
Lower feeding rod with bridge down to air motor.