3 - Command Set
DynaPro Mini| PIN Encryption Device | Programmer’s Manual (Commands)
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%M5555555555555555^MANUAL ENTRY/^33330000004444000006?
Track 2 data may be found in the instance of
Report 0x23 - Card Data Report
0x02. The device will format Track 2 card data as follows:
The device does not change the length of the CVC (either 3 or 4 characters) entered by the cardholder.
The length of the CVC thus affects the length of the track data output by the device, and the host must
locate the CVC in the track data as follows: The CVC starting position is the byte after the 6 digits which
follow the 4-digit expiration date (or PAN4). The CVC ending position in Track 1 is the byte before the 6
digits which precede the end sentinel (?); the CVC ending position in Track 2 is the byte before the 3
digits which precede the end sentinel (?).
Command 0x14 - Request Cardholder Data Entry
This command directs the device to prompt the cardholder to enter SSN, Zip Code, Birth Date, or
Activation Code (firmware revision C12 and newer) by displaying one of four predetermined messages.
If an error occurs, the device will terminate the command and report the error in ACKSTS of
. For a full list of error codes, see
Appendix C Status and Message Table, Table
Otherwise, when the command completes (data entry done, cardholder or operator cancelled, or timeout),
the device will send
Report 0x21 - Cardholder Data Entry Response Report
is successful, the report will also contain the MSR KSN and the encrypted user data block (EUDB). The
EUDB format is similar to the PIN ISO format 1 data block. The EUDB is encrypted using X9.24 data
variant under the current data variant derived from the MSR key.
Table 3-23 - Usage Table for Command 0x14
Byte 0
Byte 1
Wait time in seconds, (1 - 255; 0 = 256 seconds)
Byte 2
Cardholder data mode:
0 = Enter SSN (9 digits)
1 = Enter Zip code (5 digits)
2 = Enter Birthdate (8 digits, in MM/DD/YYYY format)
3 = Enter Birthdate (6 digits, in MM/DD/YY format)
Byte 3
0 = No sound
1 = One beep
2 = Two beeps
Command 0x17 - Update Device
This command directs the device to validate, authenticate, and use the file data to upgrade the device’s
main application firmware. It is only available when using the USB or Ethernet connections. Further