Appendix G - Custom Messages (Custom Messages Only)
DynaPro Go| Handheld PIN Pad Device with MSR/Contact/Contactless | Programmer’s Manual (COMMANDS)
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MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
ms.WriteByte(4); // # of strings
addCustomMessageString(ms, 19, 56, 0x25, 0, "$20");
addCustomMessageString(ms, 64, 56, 0x25, 0, "$40");
addCustomMessageString(ms, 112, 56, 0x25, 0, "$100");
addCustomMessageString(ms, 64, 30, 0x15, 0, "Select Cashback");
pp.SendMultiData(6, ms.ToArray()); //6 for getsel, 7 for disp
pp.GetResponse(30, ResponseMsg.CustomMsg, KeyMask.Left | KeyMask.Right
| KeyMask.Middle, 0);