The easiest way to achieve the match-mark is to make a ver-
tical mark on both the vessel ferrule and the GWR probe
process adapter. This mark can be something as simple as a
permanent Magic Marker line or a vertical chisel mark. In
either case, the indexing mark will match the alignment of
the bent probe within a vessel. Should the bent GWR probe
subsequently be removed or the position changed, it would
be easy to realign both marks to position the probe to the
original geometry.
Pin Positioning
During fabrication of the vessel, a ring is welded near the
vessel ferrule. The GWR probe is then bent to the required
geometry and is inserted into the vessel. After the ferrule
clamp is installed, the probe is calibrated to read volume.
When the calibration is complete and before removing the
clamp, an indexing rod is bent to fit into the ring retainer
and positioned against the process adapter of the probe. A
temporary mark is then made on the probe process adapter.
The probe is then removed from the vessel and disassem-
bled to remove the parts within the probe process adapter so
that these parts are not melted during the welding of the
rod to the process adapter. After welding the indexing rod
onto the probe process adapter, the internals of the probe
are reassembled once the process adapter is cool. See sketch
Note that if the probe process adapter is disassembled, the
parts must be reassembled correctly and torqued to specifi-
57-642 ECLIPSE Model 705 Guided Wave Radar Transmitter for Hygienic Industries
Rod welded to
process adapter
Ring welded to