57-642 ECLIPSE Model 705 Guided Wave Radar Transmitter for Hygienic Industries
Dry Calibration Procedure
Calibration Verification
9.1.1 Wet Calibration Verification of ECLIPSE
Calibration verification of a transmitter and probe in a ves-
sel is very expensive and time consuming. The vessel must
be taken out of service and WFI water is typically metered
into the vessel through a high accuracy mass flow meter or
other device such as load cells. WFI water is expensive, typi-
cally on the order of $1.00 per liter and the filling and fill-
ing/emptying of a typical processing vessel and strapping of
a transmitter could take upwards of 6 to 8 hours.
9.1.2 Dry Calibration Verification of ECLIPSE
An economical alternative to wet calibration is to perform
dry calibration verification on a GWR transmitter on a test
bench in the metrology lab. Calibration verification is often
performed by one person in less than 20 minutes.
9.1.3 Dry Calibration Verification Bench
A Dry Calibration Verification Bench can be manufactured
by the user or purchased through MAGNETROL. The part
number for a Magnetrol Dry Calibration Verification Bench
is P/N 89-7910-002.
The MAGNETROL Dry Calibration Verification Bench
consists of a transmitter mounting stand, sectioned probes,
and movable target.
NOTE: Transmitter NOT necessary or included with the test stand.
Use the existing transmitter under test.
Segmented Probe