Be sure you understand a service procedure be-
fore you work on the Crawler.
Unauthorized modifications to the Crawler may
impair the function and/or safety and affect
Crawler life.
Do not work under Crawler or raised equipment
unless it is correctly supported...contact factory for
recommended procedures.
Before you work on the Engine or electrical sys-
tem, disconnect the battery’s “ground” ( - ) termi-
nal first! When work is finished, connect battery’s
“ground” terminal ( - ) last.
When driving connecting pins (Spring Pins), wear
goggles or safety glasses.
Do not run Engine while working on the Crawler.
Be careful when handling any type of fuel. Do not
smoke while filling the fuel tank or working on the
fuel system.
Check for faulty wiring or loose connections.
Do not lubricate or work on the Crawler while it is
When you work near the Tracks, use extreme
care. Do not disassemble parts unless you know
the correct procedure and have correct tools.
Be prepared if an accident or fire should occur.
Know where the first aid kit and the fire extin-
guisher are located...know how to use them.
Check fire extinguisher for correct charge.
Do not smoke while refueling or handling highly
flammable material.
Shut off the Engine when refueling.
Use care in refueling if the Engine is hot.
Do not use open pans of gasoline or diesel fuel for
cleaning parts. Use good commercial, nonflam-
mable solvents.
Provide adequate ventilation when charging bat-
Do not check battery charge by placing metal ob-
jects across the posts.
Do not allow sparks or an open flame near battery.
Do not smoke near battery.
Never check fuel, battery electrolyte, or coolant
levels with an open flame.
Never use an open flame to look for leaks any-
where on the equipment.
Never use an open flame as light anywhere on or
around the equipment.
Keep containers tightly closed when not in use.
Inspect electrical wiring for worn or frayed insula-
tion. Install new wiring if wires are damaged.
Temperature in Engine compartment may go up
immediately after you stop the Engine. Be on
guard for fires.
Before you clean trash from the Engine compart-
ment, wait until the Engine has cooled. Open
Hood to cool the Engine faster. While the Engine
cools, clean trash from other areas.
Check for leaking fuel lines or fittings with a piece
of cardboard or wood. Do not use your hands.
Tighten loose fittings. If hoses are kinked, install
new parts.
Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause im-
pairment or loss of hearing. Wear a suitable hear-
ing protective device such as earplugs to protect
against objectionable or uncomfortably loud noise.